Friday, May 18, 2012

Making the Meals

One of the main things at being a stay at home dad for me has been feeding the kids and having dinner ready.

When I was a kid, the most important time for "family time" was dinner.  No matter what age I was, the only rule my parents made was that we had to be home at 7 for dinner.  At the time, i figured that was a good compromise to all the other shit I was up too, so i played ball.  Now, in retrospect, I think it was the most valuable thing and I apply the same thing at my house.

Its the one time everyone is somewhat relaxed in one room.  You take it when you can get it.

Making that meal (especially with picky kids) is an art.  You want to make good healthy meals, in under 30 minutes that are tasty.  I'll be putting together some ideas you can pull from.

So look for the category recipe for those.

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