Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Married, We Don't Make Out

My friend Will sent me  text this morning and said, "We need a diner to hang out at".  It was such a random text, but he was right and it made me think of one of my favorite films of the 80's.

Barry Levinson's Diner was such a perfect film for me to see when I was 16.  It was this example of growing up, friendship and life and how important your friends are.

I actually model my life around this.  Nobody is perfect, everyone has problems, some people grow up, some don't.  That's all OK.

You really need a core group of friends to help get through life.  They don't all have to know each other or hang out together, but the sentiment of someone having your back is what makes everything tolerable.

Being able to have a deep conversation or just talk about the "ooohhh's" in The Sopranos or even "Who's better to make out to, Mathis or Sinatra?", these are all examples of having fun in life.  I love my friends.  

If you haven't seen Diner.  It's one of those that you will want to watch when you have nothing else to do on a rainy day, your kids are out or you just want to laugh.

1 comment:

  1. "people don't come from swamps... people come from Europe."
