Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fuck art. Let's dance

Being a stay at home dad, you find yourself to be really busy doing chores, housework, running errands and being a chauffeur. 

I mentioned earlier that the saving grace are headphones

I spend a lot of time listening to music.  I try to check out new bands, but I swear, a lot of them suck.  There are some standouts, but the majority suck.  I feel like labels and bands have gone to do things like Facebook.  If you don't refresh fast enough, you are forgotten or you move on to the next "big" thing.

That's why I find myself back to the classics or albums I grew up on and making playlists of those songs.

I always loved the labels that created a scene.  Labels that when they put things out, you bought it because there was a trust between you and the label.  There are some that still try that, but I don't trust them as I would others.  Third Man (in theory) would be a modern version of that kind of label, but I feel like I just don't care about a lot of the releases and that it's more about Jack White and what he does than the artists.

When I look back, I think of labels like 2 Tone, Def Jam, Sire, IRS, Sub Pop , Creation even Fat Wreck Chords and Epitaph and Hellcat for a while... These labels were such a trusted brand, fans were proud to wear T Shirts , Jackets and buttons of the LABEL.  The label was as big a star as the artists on it.  I love that.

I recently saw a documentary about one of my favorites Stiff Records.  They were so great for the diversity in what they released.  It didn't have to sound like everything else, sometimes it sucked, but I trusted them.  I saw they tried to recently revive it and it was retarded.

I see a lot of these names getting revived and hope to see them make it work.  It would be nice to go to places for substance and build that trust again.

If I ever get a chance to do something again, it would be to create and build that kind of label.

Here's the Stiff Documentary in pieces...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

And almost everything you'll see is eatable, edible. I mean, you can eat almost everything.

When you have two kids and are in charge of all things homemaking.  After you put on your dress and apron and really feel manly, you spend a lot of time doing laundry.  Lots of dirty clothes, dirty sheets and dirty towels, these are 3 things I can assure you if you don;t take care of, the boss will stick it to you when she gets home.

I was raised by a mom who wouldn't stand for any of these things, so I've already been trained to take care of these issues, even if I was working full time.  Laundry is a nuisance but the reality is that it really takes no time.  Other than the folding, the time to put it ion the washing machine and transfer it tot he dryer is about 90 seconds.  The washing is automatic.  Sure, folding and putting away could take a whole 5 minutes, but I'll sacrifice 5 minutes out of my very busy day to do it.

I recently discovered the Tide Pod.  This colorful pod is a miracle.  It really makes washing clothes real easy.  No measuring, so mess.  Just throw it in and that's it.  You are done.

Tide Pods

Of course... and there is always a catch, this pod is very dangerous around kids.  It really looks like an Everlasting Gobstopper candy made by Wonka.  I experienced the danger first hand.  I was sitting in my kitchen goofing off, I mean folding laundry, when I heard a "pop".  This "pop" was my 9 year old holding a pod and squeezing it.  Luckily, It just shot across the kitchen (just missing his eye by an inch).  I wanted to yell at him for playing with it, but when you see it, it looks like a balloon of some sort.  It cleaned my floors real nice, but made me realize that these babies need to be hidden.  I'm just glad he popped it and didn't try to eat it.  Like I said, It looks like something Wonka would make.

Wonka Everlasting Gobstopper

A few days later, my cousin Cindy came over and saw them.  She asked me if I had read about the dangers of the pods.  i hadn't.  Well, I'm just glad I'm not the only idiot parent not thinking.

Take this as my warning to you, so you don't have a bad experience.  Put these suckers up high and away from kids.  But enjoy their adult convenience.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One Night in Vegas...with Hepcat and some payasos

I had the pleasure of spending one night in Vegas working with one of my favorite bands, Hepcat.  I first heard Hepcat in the early 90's while living in NY.  Their debut album Out of Nowhere came out on Moon Records and was one of those records that just leaves you in awe.

Years later, I would marry the person who had been managing Hepcat for years.  So, by association I became part of that family.

Hepcat went on to record 3 more albums, tour the world and then take a long (of a few) hiatus.  The beauty of a hiatus is that you can really start to miss a group, so when they return, It's special.  Some bands never take the time off and burn themselves out, ruin all they worked for by making bad decisions and just losing that special element.  Bands like Fishbone continuing without the original members that made them Fishbone was a mistake.  I get it.  It's their livelihood, but at who's expense?  The brand?  the audience?  it's such a hard thing to criticize and hard to understand.  Everyone has their own reasons and opinions.

Back to Hepcat and Las Vegas.  After another 2 year hiatus, the band came back to perform at an event called Punk Rock Bowling.  I didn't see any bowling, but I know it was happening.  I did see some punk rock.  Rancid headlined and always deliver, Cockney Rejects performed and were great as well. I heard them the 1st time on the compilation called Oi The Album in 1981.  The songs are still great.

I saw a lot of new punks with their hot topic clothes and their very well manicured hairstyles (and IPhone), I also saw the old punks that really shouldn't look that way anymore, but maybe dust off the old tshirt, old jacket and relive the old days.  I have to say, myself and Hepcat aged the best.  We can all wear the same kind of clothes and not look like "Payasos".

Having a traditional ska and rock steady group in the middle of a bunch of punk bands was a true example of how the scene was back in the good old days.  I don't think the new bands would get it as much today.

The other observation I had was how the hierarchy of punk still exists.  Who gets on stage to watch and where is still such an important status symbol.  I hate to say it, but the best view and sound is still from the floor.  I never understood why everyone was so hell bent of standing behind the drums.  You can't hear shit and you really can't see the show itself.

I was on stage for Hepcat, because I had to be.  Here's some video from where I stood.  oh the sound is awesome (sarcasm)!

I hope to see more Hepcat shows in the future.  These guys are all class.  Thanks for letting me be part of the family.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

You're Not Gonna Get Docta Doom????

I had some of my family over earlier today.  We always have a great time.  We took a walk down the street to this comic book store called Meltdown.  There are very few of these stores left.  It's quite depressing actually.  The ones that remain are big and well put together, they are still run and employed with the most annoying people in the world.  This is not a put down, this is just the fact that these people talk the most nonsense and are always super loud so you know, they know more than you. 

I think of myself of having a vault of useless information, but when you overhear them comparing Hank Pym (Antman) with Chris Brown (apparently Hank Pym, like Chris Brown beat his girlfriend and that's a thing that no matter what he does, he can't shake off from being remembered for...Yes, this was the conversation I just heard) my vault of dumb information runneth half full.  The comic geek beats me hands down.

In New York in the 80's, I would go to stores like The Batcave on MacDougal street to buy my comics, I would go to conventions (they always smelled) and had, really, no problem following a series and a storyline.  Back then, all the stationary stores and magazine stands by the bus stop carried them as well, so it was easy to keep up.  I could read Daredevil, X-Men, Spiderman, The Flash, etc and it was real simple.

Walking through Meltdown, I had no idea where to even start.  There were so many comics that even if I decided to start now, I would be out an easy $500.00 out the door.  So, after a couple walkthrough, I decided to not even bother, but to see where the current books are compared to the old days.

Well, everyone has changed.  The appearance and what I knew is now gone.  This was proven with two books alone.  Classic "comic"characters.  Archie and Richie Rich.  I'm not going to even try to describe the difference, but show the way, Archie Meets Kiss.  Why is Archie meeting Kiss?

I know the writing is great these days and the stories have moved to be relevant to real life.

I actually applaud Archie comics for standing up for Gay characters and welcoming them into Riverdale as well as addressing the Occupy Wall Street movement.  It was a bold and brave move.  My favorite thing was the outrage by Christian retards and how the CEO of Archie Comics responded,  “As I’ve said before, Riverdale is a safe, welcoming place that does not judge anyone. It’s an idealized version of America that will hopefully become reality someday. ... Kevin Keller will forever be a part of Riverdale, and he will live a happy, long life free of prejudice, hate, and narrow-minded people.”

The X-Men just took on gay marriage (much respect to Marvel)

As far as current comics go, I think I just need someone to guide me through where to start and what's great.  I saw tons of graphic novels, so maybe that's the solution.  I just know my "collecting" days are way gone.

On of my fondest memories comic related and I still laugh about this day, was back when I used to collect action figures (dolls, if you want to be a dick about it), and my friend Benjie and I were at the Toys R' Us in Union Square.  We were just minding our own business browsing.  Benjie picked up a pretty cool Dr. Doom action figure and was contemplating buying it.  He decided not to and carefully placed the action figure back on the shelf when this fat, smelly guy with glasses came running down the aisle yelling (and i mean yelling) "YOUR NOT GONNA GET DOCTA DOOM????" I have never seen Benjie jump quicker to kung fu stance in my life.  If you saw this guy, you would have too!

Let's just say that was a real reality check.  I may have ceased my collecting after that day.

Friday, May 25, 2012

It's a Smilin' Saturday Morning

In the 70's (and the 80's), Saturday Morning Cartoons were a special block of time dedicated to kids. 

These days, I think it's mostly crappy news shows and you can hardly find a cartoon.  Not that kids should be plopped in front of the TV, but there was nothing wrong with having "our time" on Saturdays. 

The shows were a lot more fun and were geared to age groups.  Today, you need to watch Nick Jr for preschool programming, Nick for grammar school and TeenNick for more mature kids...of course there is Nick at Nite for us old folks. 

If it wasn't for Nickelodeon, there would be very little for kids to watch.  I'm not just saying that because I almost got a job there.  Missed it by that much.  I would still love to work there at some point in my career, it's true.  I love their shows.  As a dad, they are a relief.

But, back to the 70's and 80's.  All the networks focused on Saturday Morning TV.  You would see ads in comic books, their would be previews and the shows would be featured in scholastic magazines like Bananas.  There were shows like Battle of the Network Stars, Happy Days, Wonderama and School House Rock...

 Every year on the eve of the debut of the the new Saturday Morning line up, there would be a sneak preview on prime time.  I remember how much I couldn't wait for this.  I was looking for a particular show I loved that very few recall called Kids from C.A.P.E.R. and came upon the 1976 preview.  I wonder how high Freddie Prinze was.

I had just moved back with my family from 2 years living in Pakistan.  This was amazing to me.  For the last two years, I had no TV and my only connection to the US was comic books (that were 6 months behind) and the Sunday comics we would get from the US newspaper.  I have no idea what paper or if this is true...i might be making that part up, but it sounds right.

Watching these clips, took me back to the excitement of being able to watch these shows for the first time and only time.  No VCR, no Tivo... You watched it and it was over.  You would then spend the rest of the week at school talking about what you saw with your friends.

These days, I hate to wait for anything, but I wish the anticipation and excitement still could be achieved.  It was a special feeling.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Call That A Bargain

Who doesn't love a deal.  Amazon does a daily deal.  Most of the time, they are useless items you will never need.  Sometimes, there is something you always wanted, but never could justify paying the asking price.

Following the Amazon deal of the day, you might just find something.  In addition to the deal of the day, there are also Lightning Deals.  These are usually hourly and have a time and quantity limit.

Items I have picked up included The Godfather Collection on bluray for $20.00 (I don't even have a bluray player), The Complete Little Rascals for $25.00 (I already own it, but could be a good gift), an Expedition First Aid Kit for $11.00 (you never know...but it was $11 bucks!), the Wolverine 35mm Slides and Negatives Digital Image Converter (love this) for $40.00 and have missed many deals due to not checking on time (A blessing in disguise).

I have the Amazon app on my iPhone to keep tabs when sitting around waiting for something to happen in my day (This is just sad).

End of the Innocence

Etan Patz would have been 39 years old if he was still alive.  Just a few years younger than me. 

Growing up in NYC there were real moments that were forever changing.  The Son of Sam, where I used to look behind my shower curtain every time I entered my bathroom, The 1977 Yankees, My favorite team of all time.  John Lennon being shot, my favorite of The Beatles.  Black out happening right in the middle of watching Baretta (i think),  having to walk up and down 23 flights of stairs and the disappearance of Etan Patz.

The flier of this little boy and the photos that were taken of him, looking like a model for a Sears or JC Penny catalogue plastered all around the city and on every newspaper was the end of early innocence and trust in NYC.

I look back and question the parents allowing him to walk to the bus stop by himself, but that neighborhood back then was different.  It was an art community.  No Apple Store, no trendy bars or restaurants.  It was a New York neighborhood.  Does that make it safe?  Well, maybe not, but you didn't think that way in New York until Etan Patz disappeared.

Reading the news of his killer finally being found was a sad moment.  I remember some years ago, they were doing computer renditions of what he would look like now and keeping hopes he was kidnapped and still alive.  We all knew he wasn't, but there was still that glimmer of hope.

The fact that his parents never moved or changed their phone number is a true sign and example of the commitment a parent makes to their child.  As a Father today, the thought of losing my kid in a flash of a moment is terrifying.  The poor Patz family must think about, how it would have been different today if... what if.  Two words that must haunt those poor parents.

I hope that this sad discovery and unexplained reasoning for killing a young innocent boy brings some sort of peace to Mr and Mrs Patz.  My heart breaks for Etan and what that poor little boy felt that horrible morning.

Time to hug my kids and really consider investing in that pocketfinder.

The Kids are saying "Spank"

One of my favorite shows of the last 10 years was a show called Grounded For Life.

It's a show about A Thirty-something couple from Staten Island.  After having their 1st daughter out of high school,  the two young parents deal with their three children as well as a judgmental father and his laid back brother.

The character of the brother, Eddie, was played by indie film star Kevin Corrigan.  This character is hilarious.  He's everything you wish you could be.  Irresponsible, womanizing, shady and just carefree.

This is an example of Eddie.  I think they still air the show on ABC Family.  Which amazes me based on the content and theme of this show with ABC Family being a Disney channel.  I'll assume nobody ever watched it over there and needed to fill in space on the schedule.

His Style is the Dirty Style...His Style is Just Dirty

I first heard of David Choe in this documentary i bought called Dithers.  He was in a small segment where I watched footage of him spray painting a Whale on the side of a wall on the 101.  It was beyond gonzo style graffiti.

Earlier this year I heard him on Howard Stern.  He was on because he was the guy who got hired to paint a mural on the walls of Facebook and rather than get paid, he took stock options.  Pretty genius, but the guy himself, is a creative genius artistically, but kind of insane in general.

His cousin made a documentary about him and his life up til now.  It's captivating.

Watching a guy like David Choe, makes me realize how puny my creative brain is in the world of artists.  I'm totally drawn to people like this.  The arts fascinate me.  I think that's why I've always been such a music fan.  Not only how the songs connect, the the awe of a great artists mind and creativity.

I highly recommend renting or buying  Dirty Hands: The Art and Crimes of David Choe and Dithers

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Drips and Rolls

Age is a hell of a thing.

I'll never forget 5-6 years ago, I was talking to my friend Bob.  Bob is older than me and when I turned 38 or so, we were talking about getting older.  He told me this thing that stuck with me.

He said "Man, you have no idea what's coming.  When you are in your 40's, you are going to go to the bathroom and when you think you are done and pull your pants up, you'll realize you weren't really done."

It really stuck with me, because I thought:

A. It was hilarious
B. He's just sloppy.

When I turned 40, it was like a switch was tuned on and all of the sudden I was Bob.  I called him immediately and cursed him out.  He laughed at me.

The other thing after 40 is the slowing of ones metabolism.  It ain't easy (or possible) to get rid of that little roll in your middle...

Now, you can either go one way or the other.  The beauty of being an adult is you can make that choice and be happy either way. 

I love food.  But I also like feeling healthy all the time.  Chasing 2 kids around can wear you down, so I have to keep myself in good enough shape so I don't pass out.  Also, with family issues that are hereditary, I figure it's up to me to do what I can to prevent anything or at least delay it.

It's a struggle, but I found a few things that help.

1. My Green Juice in the am
2. Exercise.  I run every weekday, surf every weekend
3. The App on the iPhone called Lose It
4. Brush my teeth and floss every night at 9pm to prevent from eating (you gotta try something!)

This Lose It app is great.  It can either help you lose weight of just maintain a daily count of intake so you are aware of what you are actually eating.  Also, if you keep an eye on what you are taking in and exercising, you can work it to eat whatever you want! 

Truth is, weight is on you and you alone.  You aren't forced to eat, you chose to eat what you eat and how much.  So this app keeps me alert to what's going in and how it's going to effect me.

Age is a motherfucker.

I'm Married, We Don't Make Out

My friend Will sent me  text this morning and said, "We need a diner to hang out at".  It was such a random text, but he was right and it made me think of one of my favorite films of the 80's.

Barry Levinson's Diner was such a perfect film for me to see when I was 16.  It was this example of growing up, friendship and life and how important your friends are.

I actually model my life around this.  Nobody is perfect, everyone has problems, some people grow up, some don't.  That's all OK.

You really need a core group of friends to help get through life.  They don't all have to know each other or hang out together, but the sentiment of someone having your back is what makes everything tolerable.

Being able to have a deep conversation or just talk about the "ooohhh's" in The Sopranos or even "Who's better to make out to, Mathis or Sinatra?", these are all examples of having fun in life.  I love my friends.  

If you haven't seen Diner.  It's one of those that you will want to watch when you have nothing else to do on a rainy day, your kids are out or you just want to laugh.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Grilled Chicken and Rice with Peas - Easy Dinner!

Here's a real easy and healthy meal that I could eat every night.  It's real simple and takes 20 minutes to cook and maybe 5 minutes prep time.

Grilling chicken is the healthiest way to eat it, the rice is not so healthy, but fuck it.  The kids love this.


For Rice:
1 cup of white rice
2 cups of water
approx 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil
pinch of salt

Frozen peas

For Chicken:
2 Chicken breasts (or more depending on how many are eating)

Step 1 - Put one cup of rice in a pot.  Cover with 2 cups of water.  Add the oil and salt.
Bring to a boil and cover.  Let this cook for 20 minutes.  While the rice is cooking, get the chicken and peas going.

 Step 2 - Pound the chicken to thin it out (makes it easier to cook through), trim the fat and gross bits.  Salt and pepper as desired.

Step 3 - Use Olive Oil to coat your grill pan.  Have heat on high and place salt and peppered sides down first.  Salt and pepper the rest of the chicken.   At the same time, set the peas on the stove and bring to a boil. 

Step 4 - Everything is cooking at the same time.  Peas are boiling (take them off after 5 minutes of boiling and strain), Rice is cooking and the chicken is cooking.  Flip the chicken after around 6 minutes to cook both sides.

Step 5 - After 20 minutes are up, turn off the chicken, uncover the rice and pour the peas into the rice pot and mix.  I add a little butter (I use Earth Balance, butter substitute) to flavor it all a little more.  Mix them up and let it sit for a minute.

Step 6 - Serve the rice on a plate and place the chicken for a nice presentation (to yourself).  For the kids, I cut it up and mix it in.

Kids Plate

Adult Plate

I love this dish and it couldn't be easier.  Any leftover rice, just put away and reheat at a later time.  You can do it all over again, this time just cooking a chicken breast.


I loved The Sopranos.  What a great show.  But, there are moments that you will always remember and other things that become daily things.

This is something me and my buddy Johnny say to each other as salutations daily...


Over the weekend, I was juggling too many things and ended up dropping my iPhone and cracking the screen.  My first thought was trying to figure out how it was my 2 year old fault.  After realizing, I'm an idiot and who am I going to tell that my 2 year old broke it and how that would make it better, I remembered that my neighbour worked for a place that fixes broken IPhone and Ipad screens.  He hooked me up right away.

Anyway, while sitting waiting for it to be fixed (it only took 20 minutes), I was reading a magazine and read about this gadget that would let you track your luggage and it will never be lost again.  I thought this would be good for my wife who travels a lot.  So i took down the information.

This gadget is the Pocketfinder.  The idea is that you put it wherever you need, and you can track it via your IPhone/Ipad or computer.  It will find what you are looking for within like a couple feet.  Sounds awesome, right?

So I looked into it and think it's something I want for my kids (my 9 year old more than my 2 year old).  You just never know what can happen between home and school and these days you can never be too careful.  So on field trips, Disneyland, I can just attach it to his belt and we are good.  With the IPhone, no panic necessary.

I can also use it for my dog when we go on long walks in the canyon.  He's smart, but he's also like the dog in UP.  So, "Squirrel" could mean he's on an adventure.

Now... Like most devices, in the wrong hands, this can be dangerous... Now, the wrong hands, I mean your significant other.  Can you imagine the embarrassment of being out and your old lady popping in on you while you said you were at the office?  I'm just saying.

Why Are Some People Fucking Idiots?

I love baseball.  My team for life is the New York Yankees.  Since moving to Los Angeles, it was hard for a New Yorker to adjust to LA sports.  I actually stayed away from games because of this feeling of guilt.  You can't cheat on your team. 

After having kids, I realized that one of my favorite experiences as a kid was my Dad taking me and my brother to Yankee Stadium for games.  It's an indescribable experience the first time you walk in and see that field.  I didn't want to deny this from my boys.  I became a Dodger fan. 

I love this team.  It made it ok when Joe Torre came over to manage.  I just started calling them the West Coast Yankees.  Now we have Donny "Baseball" Mattingly.  Love it.

My 9 year old loves it.  It's a great feeling sharing this love for a game and a team with my little guy.

But, there is something about LA sports and the fans that can just fuck it all up.  I was there last year for opening day (thank god, without my son) and the vibe in the stadium just felt dangerous.  The Dodgers beat San Francisco and it was a great way to start the season. 

The next day, the news came out that a man was beaten to near death by some Dodger fans.  This just killed the vibe for the rest of the season.

Well, this is a new year and the team is in first place with the best record in baseball.  Things have been feeling good.

Then I read this article.  To go to a game with my kids and having to see these types of "fans" there puts me in a different mental zone and is a real bummer. 

Thanks for fucking it up, assholes.

Easy Spaghetti...

Here's another easy 10 minute recipe for a quick healthy meal for you and the kids (if you have kids)...

This is another GFCF recipe.  If you don't care, use regular pasta.


1. Ground Turkey (or beef...your choice)

2. Mrs Gooch's Red Pasta Sauce (or whatever brand you like)

3. Brown Rice Pasta (Spaghetti) or regular if you don't care about GFCF

 1. In a sauce pan, place the meat (amount depends on how many you are cooking for), have the heat on high and just brown it all.  Keep mixing it around to brown all sides.


2. While browning the meat, have a pot of water boiling for the spaghetti.  Salt the water (pinch) and add olive oil (a splash).  Once the meat is browned, add tomato sauce.  Enough to cover.  If you like if with more sauce, add more.  Your personal decision.  Continue mixing.


3.  When the water is boiling, add the spaghetti.  Allow the spaghetti to cook for about 10 minutes.  Stir the water to make sure the spaghetti cooks thoroughly.  While the spaghetti is cooking, continue to stir the sauce.

4.  After 10 minutes, both are done.  Drain the spaghetti and then in a large bowl, mix both together.


5. Serve and that's it.  

Total cooking time, 10 minutes.  Total time all together, maybe 15. 

Monday, May 21, 2012


My Whole life, I always enjoyed making mix tapes for friends. If you are taking time to read this blog, I will now consider you a friend. Thanks. Anyway, here's a mix of some old and current stuff. I have soft spot for the mod vibe of rock and roll. Rock taken from soul roots. If I had a Vespa, this would be my soundtrack. If you like what you hear, feel free to download the entire playlist in MP3 format for keepsies. Play it at your next BBQ, in your car on a run... I think it'll get your feet moving no matter what!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pride of Lions

So outside of home making, online shopping and driving around.  I have the pleasure of managing an amazing Indie Pop band.  They are called Maniac.  From all my years of working with bands and artists, the one thing that always drew me to them was, first, the music and songs, but an amazing work ethic always made them that better.  I've worked with lazy people who go nowhere and blow their shot and bands that do it all and really go for it from the passion and love for what they do.  Whatever it takes to keep the engine running.

Maniac is one of those bands.  This video for a song called Pride of Lions, was recorded in their home studio and they made the video on their own.

The story behind this is, when the band was not recording or touring last year, rather than sit around, they decided to take a trip across America.  It was an experiment influenced by Jack Kerouac, On The Road.  They wanted to see if they could make it from Los Angeles to New York with no money and no technology (no phones) and basically play for their food and transportation.  Some was via hitchhiking and some of the travels were from money earned to buy a ticket on a bus to the next destination.
Shawn and Jake took off from Barstow, with their friend and videographer Emily along to document the experience.

They made it in about a month.  This was not without moments of feeling they would never get there, stories of murders, hitting and killing a deer in a car (the car was totalled) and losing lots of weight...

The hopes are that they will one day actually make a longer version of this.  Maybe a documentary or a web series.  The footage is amazing and knowing what they were doing. the video takes you along for the journey and makes you feel like you are there.

I wish I had the balls to do this.  But I don't, so I watch the videos and read the books.

Banana Bread GFCF

On weekends, you really have to fill up time entertaining the kids.  So with the boys I try to do stuff to keep them occupied.  So baking is one thing that they can get into.  all the measuring, mixing and eating... plus, it makes you look like you do stuff to a wife, who most likely thinks you just watch TV.

I found this GFCF recipe for banana bread that is pretty good.  You can pick at it throughout the week.

This takes about 10 minutes to prepare and anywhere between 30-45 minutes to cook.


The Ingredients (this is for GFCF...If you don;t care, just got with regular stuff)

4 Eggs
4 or 5 Ripe Bananas
1 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Apple Sauce
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Cups Brown Rice Flour (or regular if you don't care about GFCF)
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/3 cup melted Butter (I use Earth Balance fake butter)


1. Preheat oven to 350
2. In a mixing bowl, beat eggs lightly
3. Add mashed bananas (used your clean hands mash), sugar, apple sauce and Vanilla
4. Mix thoroughly.

5. Melt butter in a saucepan.  You will use this in the mix as well as to grease your loaf pans
6. Prepare flour, salt and baking soda in another bowl.  Mix them up.

7. Add flour to the wet mixture, and make sure mix so it's all wet

8. Use the melted butter to coat the loaf pans, then fold in the remaining butter into the mixture
9. Pour the batter evenly in both greased pans

10. Place both pans int he preheated oven and bake at 350 for any where between 30-45 minutes
11. At around 30 minutes, start checking to make sure if it's cooked.  Use a toothpick and poke the center.  if the toothpick comes out clean, its done, if not, keep checking every few minutes
12. When the center is clean, take them out and let them cool on the counter for 10-20 minutes

13.  After hey have cooled, be careful when removing from the pans.  flip them upside down and tap the bottom until they drop. 
14.  Use a bread knife and slice and serve.


This is something that I never thought I would need to know, probably don't, but was very proud of myself when I figured it out.

Growing up in the 70's and 80's in New York, I can remember a lot of fruit in the house, but I can also remember a lot of tin fruit too.  Some of the fruit included, canned peaches, canned pineapple, frozen Birdseye vegetables and frozen orange juice that you would mix with water...

So, when I first bought a pineapple, i realized that I had no idea what to do with it.  It seems easy and obvious, but that's assuming I had the brains to figure it out.

So for those who never bothered to buy a pineapple because it just looked easier to buy the already sliced ones, here's what to do... It take under 5 minutes and is way cheaper than the convenience factor of overpriced pre-cut slices.

Step 1 - Remove the top.  Just hold the body of the pineapple, and twist clockwise.  That's it.

Step 2 - Cut both ends

Step 3 - Stand it up and slice the sides

Step 4 - All 4 sides.  Make sure there isn't any skin on it.

Step 5 - Turn on it's side and cut slices 

Step 6 - Cut out the hard circular piece in the center of each slice

Step 7 - Cut your pieces after the sliced pieces and there you have it

 You may think this was stupid, but one day you will thank me.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Pancakes

I mentioned earlier that I have my kids on a GF/CF diet. 

6 years ago, it was a horrible diet to try.  Today, almost everything is easy to find.  In this particular case, Bisquick has made breakfast easy for a GFCF diet.  If you don't care about GF/CF, just use regular Bisquick and regular milk.

This is a good, fun thing to do with my 9 year old too.

The Ingredients for 4 large Pancakes:

1 cup of Gluten Free Bisquick

 1 Egg

1 cup of Almond Milk

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

8 Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips (these are dairy free).  I get them from Trader Joes.


I use a 4 cup glass measuring cup to mix the ingredients.  It's easy and also makes it real easy to pour on the griddle.

I mix them all in there and then pour it on the griddle.

Once they are poured on the greased griddle (I use Earth Balance Butter Spread), I add the chips.  About 6-8 on each pancake.  Let them cook until they bubble, then flip them.

Once they are done, just serve and enjoy.  The chocolate chips keep you from having to add syrup, which is just a ton of sugar... Semi Sweet chips are sweet enough.