Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Father Time

Has it really been almost 4 months since I posted last?  Wow... and so little has happened.  It's pretty interesting to reflect on where the time has gone and why I stopped any form of banter that I spew on this page.  After said reflection, I can honestly say that nothing happened.  Just life.

Summer came and went.  Kids home bored, kids at camp, me bored, wife works...

 Things of note include watching both seasons of The Walking Dead and Both seasons of Boardwalk Empire.  I really love TV and love the fact that you can download (legally) these programs.  Of course, now I hate waiting a week for the next episode.

Music:  Nothing new.  New music pretty much sucks.  Rediscover old records and realize how much music sucks today.  Justin Bieber thew up on stage while the track of him singing kept playing, which made him run off stage.  This of course, made me think of Milli Vanilli on the Club MTV tour, where their hit "Girl You Know It's True" skipped win the middle of the show "Girl you know its, Girl you know its, girl you know its..." where Rob Milli (or was it Rob Vanilli) then ran off stage.

All these hacks are the same... I feel like Philip Seymour Hoffman playing Lester Bangs in Almost Famous now.  Is this a sign of age? bitterness? or truth?  Perhaps a bit of all...

Anyway... I hope to get back to this blog on a regular, because even if nobody reads it, It's a nice outlet to just talk about nothing.

Speaking of talking about nothing, Jerry Seinfeld has an amazing web series called Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee... It's great.  My personal favorite is the Ricky Gervais episode.

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